Revit Plug-ins
Singularity provides a number of Revit plug-ins that resulted from many issues encountered. These plug-ins help any Revit user to save time and effort from creation and editing to submission.




Revit Add-In
A Bundle of 3 powerful tools (Browser, Links Manager & Schedule Manager), developed by Singularity AEC, to boost your productivity, manage your whole model and get your job done in no time, with just a few clicks, all in one interface!

Revit Add-In
One package with 4 included tools (Levels Creator, Sheets Creator, Worksets Creator and Sheetlist Creator), to help you setup your model in no time, developed by Singularity AEC.

Revit Add-In
Blackhole is a content management cloud platform. All firm’s standardized content from 3d families, 2d annotations to templates is uploaded to this platform. Being a cloud platform, same content is available on the platform and on the website for all users registered under the same organization, making it accessible for non-Revit users to review the content.

Questions & Answers
Why we choose Singularity Revit plugins ?
Singularity Plugins are not just ideas, they are derived from every problem encountered. In other words, they are the result of several hours of thinking outside the box and the solution of real life experience and problems. These plugins are developed on a regular basis to be free from any bugs.
What is Revit Plugins ?
What is Revit Plugins ?
Plugins are external additions installed inside the Revit in a new tab. These add-ins are customized to count up extra features to Revit to enhance its capabilities without having any impact on the native Revit.
What are the uses of Singularity Revit plugins ?
Singularity plugins have a significant impact on the efficiency of any project. The drop in time between solving any issue using the native Revit and using Singularity Revit Plugins, is very obvious. It is not only about time reduction in solving issues but also in (Discovering these problems , Setting up and managing any project , Navigating and selecting project elements , Sharing and maintaining standardized content between organization members).
How to install Singularity plugins inside Revit ?
- This app uses a custom installer.
- Run the downloaded installer and continue with the instructions.
- Compatibility
Windows 7,8,9 and 10
Revit 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024